A few years back, Disney released an animated movie called “Meet the Robinsons” that carried a deeply impactful meaning. The point of the story is to celebrate each failure you have because it gives you the opportunity to try again.
Many people make the mistake of thinking that when they experience a failure, that they should just move on. Or that a failure means that the universe is conspiring against you. Wrong, wrong, wrong!
Why did I get pulled over when I was driving just fine? I have a perfect driving record; this should not have happened to me. Why did that Cop make me take a breathalyzer - didn’t he know this could ruin my life?
The “Meet the Robinsons” production company was owned by Walt Disney, who is well known for his prolific success in business, film production and art. But Walt was fired from the Kansas City Star early in his career. He was forced to declare bankruptcy at one point, and he was rejected over 300 times for his Disneyland concept. I’m sure there were times when Walt thought about giving up, but ultimately, all that failure lead to tremendous and unprecedented success.
Could it be that when you were charged, the universe conspired for your success? Maybe this charge happening on that date, is helping to avoid the potential of even worse misfortune happening in the future.
Could it be that this painful event could prompt a significant change in your life that leads to a transformative action that helps you realize your life’s goal?
Real Life Examples of Failure
Children face setbacks in school, such as low grades or not making a sports team. These disappointments provide opportunities for growth. For example, basketball legend Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team, and it increased his motivation to drive him to meteoric levels of success in the sport.
There is another benefit to failing: failure opens doors that will allow you to find out what you’re really destined to do. This happens in college all the time.
You know at least one person who went to college, university or trade school with the intent of learning a specific skill, or gaining a certificate, but when they went through their course work, having successes and failures, they discovered a new career interest and changed their mind.
Big events in our lives seem to cause these types of catalysts, they prompt us to reevaluate and reconsider our choices and how to move forward. Even an impaired driving charge can cause momentous realizations that can affect every part of your life, in both positive and negative ways, believe it or not!
If you’re able to learn from your “mistakes,” then they’re not mistakes at all – they are opportunities for success! There’s always something to learn from every situation and once you understand the lesson, it will make you a better person.
Become Stronger and Wiser
Failure makes you a stronger person. Imagine what it would be like if everything you did always went your way, you were successful in everything you did, and then one day it happened... you failed! You failed so badly that it caused you to lose everything. How in the world would you deal with that failure if you’ve never had to overcome an obstacle before?
Failing allows you to become more resilient so you can always figure out a way to move forward.
The first design of a wheel may have been square. I can picture Mr. and Mrs. out in their loin clothes, cobbling away at the stone device. Being square, it likely moved very slowly, and it was wobbly and it eventually fell over, but the inventors never gave up! They began to figure out how to make it rounder so it would roll more smoothly. You can do the same in your life! You can’t give up, you must pick yourself up and figure out a way to roll forward, stronger than ever!